Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy 80th Birthday Your Majesty

I love the British monarchy. I cannot imagine life without them. All the pomp and ceremony, the icons and, of course, the upper class twittiness of them. They are a complete anachronism in an age which revolves around functionality. That, in my view, is their strength. As long as we have a monarch our country is safe from tyranny and we can continue to bewilder the rest of the world with what we call 'typically British'.

Consider, for a moment, what the alternative might be. God forbid that we should have a president. Think of the unrest that would cause. Where's the continuity. Eight years max and they're gone (some not a moment too soon). And what 'represents' the country long term - a house. I ask you, a house. Not even a castle or a palace. A house.

No, I am convinced. The head of state must not be a politician, soldier, dictator, or anyone with actual power to run the country. A monarch is perfect. Long may she reign over us. Long may her family rival the soaps with their antics. God save the Queen.

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