Sunday, August 13, 2006

Is Everybody Happy?

Apparently some of us are more happy than others and the differences appear to be marked. The University of Leicester is about to publish the first ever world map/study of relative happiness. This is based on 80,000 interviews worldwide. The main indicators turn out to be health, wealth and education. Remember the old ditty:

Early to bed, early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

I have been unable to find an original source at the moment. Possibly someone jumped the gun and it is not yet out. The link at the start of this piece is to a blog that has details of the project. I will let you see for yourself where we all rank. Well worth a read.




1 comment:

crowbarred said...

You know something, i like what you write. I bet many people come here say "yup" and flick on, but not at all reading what you write. Its informative and worth reading. kepp it up. crowbarred.