Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ozone Layer Alive and Well

Click on the title to find a piece in Reuters which explains that the ozone layer is making a slow but definite recovery. A few years ago we were told that most of it had gone from above the Antarctic and that as a result all kinds of catastrophies were destined to follow. Chief of these was global warming but there was also increased risk of cancer from the unfiltered sun's rays and the eventual loss of the atmosphere altogether as the ozone layer played an important part in holding in the other layers of the atmosphere. As a result we had a worldwide ban on CFCs, the propellants in aerosols and some fridges of the day.

Well, I am delighted with the good news, of course, but even more confused about what is really going on. If the ozone layer is slowly repairing itself then why is global warming accelerating?

I suspect that the truth is that no one really knows what is causing global warming although this will not stop plently of people from writing about it. I have always been a sceptic, myself, of the idea that man is the chief architect of this phenomenon and that the cause is the practice of burning fossil fuels. I don't doubt that the world is getting warmer. That is the easy bit. We only have to measure it. Mind you, how long have we been capable of doing that. Not long.

Since everyone has a theory and no one really knows I have decided to offer my own theory. We are currently experiencing the greatest amount of sunspot activity ever known since such observations began. The amount of energy thrown out by sunspots is, pardon the pun, astronomical. Therefore, it is reasonable to suppose that the main cause of global warming is sunspot activity. This would also account for climatic variations in time past. The sun is reasonably well behaved but no one is perfect. Perhaps this sun is going through a bad ass phase (excuse the american phrase, most unlike me).

Food for thought or am I going senile?



1 comment:

PerilousPierre said...

Very strange. This post was made after the piece about British Icons on Saturday, 19th August but for some reason the Blogger machinery decided to credit it as posted on Thursday 17th. This is obviously a supernatural sign that I am right and everything i have stated is truly phrophetic. Hail Me.
